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Search FWE file of FWsim by shell name. If you want to refine your search, please enter a space in between words.
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Time lag   Color move   Ring   Pattern shell   Peony   Chrysanthemum   Bee   Willow   Multi break shell   Palm   Red   Yellow   Green   Blue   White   Color changes   Comet,Roman candle,Bengal   Mine

Shell name:三角錐(紅白混合)
(The number of displays:1835)

Shell name:立方体(2色混合紅白)
(The number of displays:1809)

Shell name:二重正方形青白
(The number of displays:1740)

Shell name:二重三角紅白混合
(The number of displays:1750)

Shell name:笑顔(垂れ目スマイル)型物(7号)
(The number of displays:1917)

Shell name:笑顔型物(7号玉)
(The number of displays:1898)

Shell name:笑顔(垂れ目スマイル)型物(4号)
(The number of displays:1841)

Shell name:笑顔型物(4号玉)
(The number of displays:1892)

Shell name:紅白手まり
(The number of displays:1850)

Shell name:時間差二重リング緑青
(The number of displays:1975)

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