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Watch the greatest firework art that disappears in the blink of an eye but remains in your memory!

FWsim screen

Do you know that fireworks evolve every year? About 1,400 years ago, around 600 A.D., black powder was invented in China and the culture of fireworks began. Gunpowder had initially been used for military purposes, but gradually the firecracker culture was developed. Thereafter, with the development of science and technology from the 18th century, new colorful gunpowder was invented, and various types of fireworks were invented. And now, fireworks have been evolved by digital technology. Theatrical fireworks, which are synchronized with music using computers, have become popular all over the world, and the programming of the performance is becoming more and more important.
Making real fireworks requires years of experience and craftsmanship, but for simulation fireworks, those who do not have experiences in making fireworks can create a firework display. If, with the assistance of computers, excellent music selection and superior performance are combined with fireworks to an even greater extent than in the conventional methods, fireworks will evolve beyond the existing framework of "summer tradition" and will develop as an art form. We sincerely hope that many people will learn about this wonderful art and culture, and that the firework culture will develop further.
For the purpose, we are working towards the following goals.
Screen of simulation fireworks work

Supporter wanted

We are seeking supporters to join our activities in order to make the above purposes to achieve. Use your free time, would you like to join us?
If you are interested in our activities, you can entry.
Support the events at medial facilities and welfare facilities. Support "Simulation Fireworks Competition". Video production. Website production. etc.
Please send us an e-mail by following the instructions below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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